Tuesday 4 October 2016

SWATCHES // BH Cosmetics x Shaaanxo Eyeshadow & Lipstick Palette

All hail , queen 'Shaaanxo' as the New Zealand beauty guru announces her eye shadow and lipstick creation, in collaboration with BH Cosmetics. Congrats girl!

Now, I know it has been a while since the palette was first released, but I am a huge fan of Shannon's and I know I'm not the only one out there - so why not give this amazing collab the shout out it deserves? And, I thought I would give a little bit of an insight for those who are still thinking of purchasing it, or have not yet heard of it. When I first heard about the palette, I was so excited to get my hands on it. But, I was even more excited for Shannon - for anyone to partner with a brand and make something their own , is a huge deal! I just have to congratulate Shannon, for all of the hard work she puts into her videos (main and vlog channel), her company - xo beauty (which includes, makeup brushes and eyelashes just to name a few), her social media and to top it off, a makeup collaboration. Is it weird to say that I'm proud of her? Because I am! 


Wednesday 15 June 2016

REVIEWS // Empty & Used Products

Today's blog post is, part I in my empty product reviews. I've basically been saving old bottles and packaging from products I have used up and presenting them to you, with feedback. I decided to split it into two parts, to mix it up a little and because if I wrote about all of the 'empties' I had, it would be a helllla long post. Part II will be uploaded within the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for it.

Anywho, I hope you enjoy the read, and let me know if you've tried any of these products and what you thought of them... or if you have any equivalent recommendations. 


Sunday 15 May 2016

LIFESTYLE // 'Get To Know Me' TAG

Hey guys, so it's been a hot minute since I have posted anything and I am extremely sorry. But. It's okay, I'm getting my ass into gear and I have plenty of blog posts planned and ready to go. We are getting back into the groove of things and I hope you are all as excited as I am ;) 

Any-who, I have done a little 'Get to know me TAG', so you guys can get to know me a little better. My blog is more based around beauty, fashion and lifestyle. So I thought I would change it up a bit, and do something a little more personal. I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to do the tag and post in the comments because I would love to get to know you guys a little more personal as well :)